
January kicks off with Gas control & Replay assist for Besca machines!

Let's talk about consistency, simplicity and your Besca machine. We've been hard at work with our partners at Besca and are thrilled to announce that Gas control & Replay assist is now available for Besca roast machines! If you roast on a Besca (or are looking at a new one) you can now adjust your gas directly using Cropster's Roasting Intelligence and replay your roasts on your Besca roast machines.



What do people think about it?

Here' s what one beta tester has to say: 

Trying to manage consistency and maintain focus all day while doing at least three other jobs is hard. Replay takes a lot of that stress away. Suddenly, I have more time to focus on getting those orders correct. Another bonus, after a couple of hours of roasting most people start to get tired and consistency in the second half of the day tends to drop. Even if you are only roasting coffee replay takes the burden off you and helps keep those profiles uniform.
Raf Makes, Rafael Mlodzianowski

What do you need to get started?

To connect your Besca you simply need to connect the computer running Cropster via plug & play to your roast machine. This is the most reliable and accurate way to connect Cropster to your Besca.

How can you get started with your Besca roast machine?

This feature is a FREE UPGRADE to your existing Cropster subscription! You simply need to activate it. Gas control and Replay assist is available for all Besca BSC models with an ethernet port. To directly connect your BESCA machine, check out this detailed manual. Then you only need to update a few settings in Roasting Intelligence and you are good to go! Once you are connected it's time to create some replayable profiles and replay them whenever you want. We've pulled together a comprehensive blog post outlining all the benefits and features of Gas control and Replay (add link) assist for you. 

Finally, we are thrilled to be able to connect so tightly with Besca roast machines and would like to thank their team for such a great partnership. We are looking forward to working on more projects together. At Cropster, we love collaboration and are always looking to make life easier for our customers. If you can think of something that would make your daily work with your Besca & Cropster even easier, please let us know.

Want more details?

Learn more about Gas control & Replay assist here


Roastery   -   Quality Control / Cupping   -   Blog posts

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